Sunday 16 August 2015

7 Reasons Why People Dont Go To Church - Religion -

Back in the early 1990's when Christianity was dominating others forms of religion, a lot of people flock to church. But those numbers seems to reduce over the years. The reasons are put below, though some are assertions. 1. CHURCH ARE FULL OF HYPOCRITE. No need to debate on this fact as its all clear and decipherable. Perhaps, even in-eradicable. We all say one thing and do the other, we all criticize people and still turn around to indulge in the same acts we were vehemently against. The church is full of this set of people, thus making people lack the desire to go to church. Yes.. I am an hypocrite, but with all due respect, you are also an hypocrite. 2. THE CHURCH IS BORING. You could chose to debate on this. Since when was the church meant to be entertaining?. Well! The church has witness a dramaticall change over the years, and to some people, this assertion is true. 3. THE CHURCH IS EXCLUSIVE. The church has an exclusive message, which is for everyone. The thing is, every one knows the message, "Jesus brings salvation" etc. So why bothering going to church to hear a repetition of it?. This is also one of the reason why people stay back from church, to them, they know the message the bible and church is relaying. 4. THERE DON'T HAVE TIME. This is undoubtedly any major point. Simple, they don't have the time or are two busy. People who are on work shift during the weekend also fall into this category. This is priority issue, but a valid reason nonetheless. 5. THEY DON'T HAVE CLOTHES. Though this shouldn't be an excuse for Christians to stay back from church as they worship the Lord and not men, it is a reason why some people stay back from church. I know of a church that laughs sadornically at members that repeat clothes and attire. The act alone is appaling. Instead of being laughed at, some people choose to stay at home and avert such mortification. 6. LIFE IS BETTER WITHOUT RELIGION. This is an assertion but With that perspective, people tend to neglect church since its the "pillar" of religion. Going by the norms and commandments of the church by being a Christian are hectic for others. For me, i don't care much about religion but a better relationship with God. Some people that neglect church also hold to this assertion. 7.THE CHURCH WANT YOUR MONEY. This is undoubtedly another congent reason. If you go to a church that talks more about offering and ransom than sermon, you'd found this a valid point. Maybe the church is faced with financial difficulties. I think The Leaders should do more about praying and trusting, for God will provide. However, am ain't advocating that members shouldnt give to the church but It appalling for leaders to "CHALLENGE" members into giving, it should be a thing of the mind. If you have a different perception of the amazing nature of the God who created you, you should find ways to reorganize your priorities around such a wonderful God.
