Saturday 15 August 2015

3 Things Recruiters Hate To See On Your CV - Jobs/Vacancies -

It is important to know what your recruiter is looking for and ensure that only those things are presented to them. Giving less or excess can deny you of your dream job. Here is a list of 3 things recruiters hate to find in your curriculum Vitae. 1. Inappropriate Email addresses You know that email address that you created when you were young and without a care in the world? Employer do not like them, especially in a case where you are applying for senior management positions. The likes of babyjoy@, sugarspice@ etc. If you are still using these email addresses it is time to grow up, trash them and create new professional email addresses that will depict you as being professional and mature. 2. Head Shots/pictures Has someone told you that the current CV trend is attaching your photo on the CV? This is not advisable unless the company you are applying for has specifically asked you to attach a photo. Photos put employers in difficult positions as they put themselves up for questions about discrimination in all forms. Stick to these simple tips and maybe your CV will receive more attention and consideration the next time you apply for a job. 3. Poor Formatting Is the font in your CV all over the place? Do you have a mix of calibri, aerial and times new roman for creativity? It is time to introduce your CV to consistency. Choose just one format and stick to it. Do not add color or calligraphy to your document.
