Saturday 8 August 2015

Niger Delta: Buhari Made Me Cry Today, Essien Attah - Politics -

Essien Attah wrote: TODAY I CRIED FOR JOY For the first time in a long while, I cried profusely like a baby. Tears of joy. For six years we had a President from the South South who failed to address the decades of environmental degradation that have plagued the Niger Delta. For six years our lands lay like the scorched earth of a nuclear apocalypse. For six years many held their head high that their kin was President by day but drank bitter polluted waters by night. Isn’t it a shame that it takes a Hausa man vilified by most of my kin, to arise to this challenge and order the immediate clean up of the Delta? I wept because to be truthful we do not deserve such having blown away our chance at salvation on a clueless man from Otuoke. We don’t deserve such, for the greatest senseless critics of this benevolent President are in this region. Those who insult him and laugh at his Fulani accent are now going to be the beneficiary of his greatest act since becoming President. Indeed President Buhari is not a Nigerian, who prefers to colourise every action under the microscope of ethnicity and religion. I have no choice but to cry like a baby at the six wasted years wandering in a wilderness called Jonah and Patience. For now our saviour has come and he is not even our kin, but an Northerner Muslim from the much vilified North. President Buhari thank you for sanctioning the clean up of the Niger Delta. To me that is your greatest act since you became President. You have not let us down, we that support you and pray for you. Thank you for saving Nigeria from the hands of those who drove us to the brink of destruction. Thank you and Thank you. God bless PMB and the Federal Republic of Nigeria Dr Attah wrote this on his facebook
